and you thought you were minimalist

Tuesday, September 30, 2008


Mind you, I am not the kind of person who sees faces in things.
But still.

Monday, September 29, 2008


Sometimes I would like to take all these breathtaking sunsets I see and put them in this very special box of mine.

Sunday, September 28, 2008


Tortellini panna e prosciutto are an easy choice for a Sunday lunch if you are a student, or if you just want to indulge in your mouldy memories.   

Saturday, September 27, 2008


When your depersonalization is so intense, has gone so deep, that you realize there are no more clear, identifiable emotions within you, a well made parmigiana di melanzane is what you need.
Granted, you won't have your emotions back.
But, man, it's good!

(Thanks Kon for the American Psycho quote. I know you don't read this blog, but still, take care, love you.)

Friday, September 26, 2008


For a moment, for a moment I thought it was a nuclear explosion.


Oooh, a packet for me!

It's just like Christmas morning!

My precious in its plastic bubble chrysalis is about to see the light - though artificial.

The beauty.

Thursday, September 25, 2008


The little monster is trying to distract me from paying attention to these important discussions bubble-floating all around me in the important meeting I'm attending.


On my way from the parking lot to my office I walk through this narrow lawn.
This is probably the happiest moment of my day.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008


That's me writing this post.
How cool is that?


Lately I've been thinking of trains as though they are the perfect emotional amplifiers.
You won't mind if I post train snapshots just for the love of them, will you?

Tuesday, September 23, 2008


That's the night bus ride home experience.
Quantic is playing Time is The Enemy on my ipod.
Light trails relentlessly dispel the darkness outside the bus window.
I am going home.


Then we buried our fears beneath a thick layer of steamed rice.
We closed our eyes and we said goodbye.

Monday, September 22, 2008


They had run out of take away coffee equipments.
The girl at the counter said so: equipments.
Well, I don't know if you are reading this blog, you McDonald's girl, but if you do then be informed that you've ruined the poetry of my Monday morning's I-take-the-steaming-coffee-with-me-on-the-train-and-look-out-of-the-window-with-this-empty-look-which-reveals-a-profound-inner-cognitive-dissonance fantasy.


Meet the 38.
How many fleeting thoughts had born and died in its silver belly.

Sunday, September 21, 2008


There are no sunsets like the Porta di Roma's ones.


Lazy Sunday is slowly fading away and I am sitting in my room.
I am in here.
I let my mind wander through my memories.
When I was living in Germany, on Sunday afternoons I used to hop on my bike and ride all the way to the airport.
There, I would sit in this tiny Illy coffee bar and have a coffee - they used to make a good one -, and look at the travellers who were about to leave and the ones who were just arriving.
Oh, I loved those moments.

Saturday, September 20, 2008


If everything else fails, you can always rely on lasagna to be the reason of keeping you alive.

Friday, September 19, 2008


It's raining.

I love rain.
When it rains I put my hand under the rain to get this feeling that after all I'm still made of flesh and blood, that I'm still feebly connected with the outside world.

the bugs bunny balloon incident

Thursday, September 18, 2008


There is no such thing as pasta with meatballs in Italy.
If you're lucky enough, though, pasta and meatballs will be listed - as individual dishes, of course - in your local restaurant's menu of the day.

So what can this poor sensitive boy - who have recently seen the movie Hancock and had been drooling all the time over this “spaghetti madness” that Mr. Smith and fellows seemed to be enjoying so much - do to satisfy the more and more pressing need for a true luxury pasta with meatballs experience this being perhaps the longest English sentence I have ever written in all my life?
Well, this:

And after

Man, it was good.

(Sorry for this you little tomato hater out there.)

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

at home

I should be looking for a new place to live.
I should be cooking the dinner.
I should be calling my parents.
I should be shopping for new clothes.
I should be chatting on MSN.
I should be looking at the cloudy sky and contemplating the extent of the infinity.

I am playing Tetris DS.

la valse

And I let my fingers dance freely on my notebook, oh the cute little dancing demons.


My soul, my soul is full of restless fishes.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008


Today's Bacio Perugina's quote says:
That love is all there is, is all we know of love.

I don't know... I'm not really convinced.
I mean, there must be something else besides love.
MP3, for example.
Yes, MP3, definitely!


Wallet, where the hell are you?
I know we are having problems, but hey! you can't leave me like this!
Wallet, if you read this blog, please, please call me any time.

Monday, September 15, 2008


It's like I am unceasingly fluttering on a muddy sea of faceless emotions.


How is everybody dealing with DFW's unexpected death?
I feel shaken, upset, devastated and lost and, if possible, even more precarious.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Saturday, September 13, 2008


I'm going to look for a new place to live today.
I'd love to live in a big house with brick walls and big rooms and a watch tower and a soundproof cinema room and a billiard and a dragon in the basement.

Friday, September 12, 2008


Here comes the warrior!

And I'll unveil today my secret warrior potion:


One thing that will never stop amazing me is how fiercely we barricade ourself in our little insignificant lives.
We are unable to relate to each other.
We've actually forgot how to do it.
An old wise man once said:
Stranger, if you passing meet me and desire to speak to me, why
should you not speak to me?
And why should I not speak to you?

Thursday, September 11, 2008


Love is in the air.




Random people comments when they see me taking these kind of photos:
“Take a photo of my lunch too.”
“Are you on a diet or something?”
“There! The nice cat! Take a picture! Take a picture!”
“Uh, that's quite an old-fashioned cameraphone.”
“Man, you've got big troubles.”


Young scientist and old scientist were nerdly discussing about the Large Hadron Collider.
Tattoo girl was utterly bored.
“I hate protons,” her tattoo was grumbling.


That's Stazione Termini. Main train station in town.
An old lady approaches me, she definitely looks like she's lost her way.
“Are you Italian?” she asks me, full of hope.
“I am,” I say, I am, my little old lady. I am Italian and will help you.
“You're handsome.”
“Yes you are. You're handsome, as in the magazines.”
“I... uh...”
“Listen, mmh, do you have any change? It's been two days I don't eat anything. You're handsome, young man, you shine like the sun.”
I gave her 20 euros.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008





Quick lunch at my desk today.
I wanted to follow the Large Hadron Collider first test on the Internet.
Large Hadron Collider, now isn't that a powerful name?
Large Hadron Collider, think about it, let it echo in your mind.
If I ever have a son, I'm going to name him Large Hadron Collider.




Nice bartender made this for me today.
He said it represents the collision between a bunch of high energy protons.
There must be something in the air.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008


let's see...

oh look at that





I'm an underground lover.